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                                                 Kamco Limited  

                                  MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET  

                                                NEUTRALISING CRYSTALS  

                                                                                                      Revision8: date:  01/07/2017  

Section 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company undertaking  


          1.1. Product identifier  

                                          Product name:         NEUTRALISING CRYSTALS  

                                  REACH registered no:    01-2119485498-19-XXXX  

                                                   CAS no:      497-19-8  

                                               EINECS no:       207-838-8  


          1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against  

                          Use of substance / mixture:           Neutralising of acidic descaling products before disposal.  

          1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet  

                                        Company name:           Kamco Ltd  

                                                                Unit 9, Curo Park  


                                                                St Albans  


                                                                AL2 2DD  

                                                        Tel:    01727 875020  

                                                        Fax:    01727 875335  


          1.4. Emergency telephone number  

                                                  Emergency tel: 01727 875020  

Section 2: Hazards identification  


          2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture  

                            Classification under CLP:           Eye Irrit. 2 – H319  


                           Classification under CHIP:           Xi;R36


                    Most important adverse effects:             Causes serious eye irritation.  

          2.2. Label elements  

                          Label elements under CLP:               

                                    Hazard statements:          Causes serious eye irritation.  

                                           Signal words:        Warning  

                                    Hazard pictograms:          GHS07: Exclamation mark  




                                Precautionary statements:                   P264: Wash hands thoroughly after handling.  

                                                                            P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye  

                                                                            protection/face protection.  

                                                                            P305/351/338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for  

                                                                            several minutes.  Remove contact lenses, if present and  

                                                                            easy to do.  Continue rinsing.  

                                                                            P337+313: If eye irritation persists, get medical  



            2.3. Other hazards  

                                                  Other hazards:            Hygroscopic: readily absorbs water from air.  

                                                                 PBT:       This substance is not identified as a PBT substance  


Section 3: Composition/information on ingredients  

3.2. Mixtures  


     EINECS                 CAS               CHIP Classification                              CLP Classification                                Percent  

   207-838-8             497-19-8                      Xi: R36                                              -                                           

Section 4: First aid measures  


            4.1. Description of first aid measures  

                                                    Skin contact:           Remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash skin  

                                                                           with soap and water.  Get medical attention if any discomfort  


                                                     Eye contact:           Immediately flush with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes.   

                                                                            Remove any contact lenses and open eyes wide apart. Get  

                                                                            medical attention if any discomfort continues.  

                                                         Ingestion:         Provide rest, warmth and fresh air.  Immediately rinse mouth  

                                                                            and drink plenty of water (200-300 ml).  Get medical attention  

                                                                            if any discomfort continues.  

                                                        Inhalation:         Move exposed person into fresh air at once.  Get medical  

                                                                            attention if any discomfort continues.  

            4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed  

                                                    Skin contact:           Slightly irritating.  

                                                     Eye contact:           Irritating to eyes.  

                                                         Ingestion:         May cause discomfort if swallowed.  


                                                                            May cause irritation to the respiratory systems.  

                             Delayed / immediate effects:                   Immediate effects can be expected after short-term  


            4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed  

                          Immediate / special treatment:                    Eye bathing equipment should be available on the premises.  

Section 5: Fire-fighting measures  


            5.1. Extinguishing media  

                                                                            Use fire-extinguishing media appropriate for surrounding  

                                        Extinguishing media:  


           5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture  

                                                                     The product does not support combustion. If heated emits  

                                        Exposure hazards:  

                                                                     toxic fumes of carbon dioxide/monoxide.  

           5.3. Advice for fire-fighters  

                                 Advice for fire-fighters:           Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective  

                                                                     clothing must be worn in case of fire.  

Section 6: Accidental release measures  


           6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures  

                                   Personal precautions:             Follow precautions for safe handling described in this safety  

                                                                     data sheet.  

           6.2. Environmental precautions  

                           Environmental precautions:                Do not discharge in to drains or rivers.  

           6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up  

                                    Clean-up procedures:             Remove spillage with vacuum cleaner.  If not possible, collect  

                                                                     spillage with shovel, broom or the like.  Flush area with plenty  

                                                                     of water.  

           6.4. Reference to other sections  

                          Reference to other sections:               Refer to section 8 of MSDS  

Section 7: Handling and storage  


           7.1. Precautions for safe handling  

                                 Handling requirements:              Avoid spilling, skin and eye contact.  Provide good  


           7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including and incompatibilities  

                                      Storage conditions:            Keep containers tightly closed.  Store in dry, ventilated area  

                                                                     away from materials which react with alkalis.  Keep in original  


                                      Suitable packaging:            Plastic tubes or pails.  

           7.3. Specific end use(s)  

                                     Specific end uses(s):           Neutralising of acidic descaling products before disposal.  

Section 8: Exposure controls/personal protection  


           8.1. Control parameters  


           8.2. Exposure controls  

                                  Engineering measures:              Ensure there is sufficient ventilation of the area.  

                                  Respiratory protection:            Avoid breathing dust.  No specific recommendation made,  

                                                                     but protection against nuisance dust must be used when the  

                                                                     general level exceeds 10mg/m3.  

                                           Hand protection:          Protective gloves.  

                                             Eye protection:         Safety goggles/face shield are recommended.  

                                                   Skin protection:              Protective clothing (e.g. rubber apron/rubber footwear)  

Section 9: Physical and chemical properties  


            9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties  

                                                                    State:       Crystalline powder, dust.  

                                                                 Colour:         White  

                                               Solubility in water:              Soluble in water.  

                                                                        pH:      >11 (10%)  

                  Solubility value (g/100g H2O@20ºC):                            26  


                                                    Relative density:            2.5 g/ml @ 20C  

            9.2. Other information   

Section 10: Stability and reactivity  


             10.1. Reactivity  


             10.2. Chemical stability  

                                               Chemical stability:               Stable under normal temperature conditions and  

                                                                                 recommended use.  

             10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions  

                                          Hazardous reactions:                   Avoid exposure to moisture and humid atmospheres to  

                                                                                 prevent caking.  

             10.4. Conditions to avoid  

                                            Conditions to avoid:  

                                                                                 Avoid excessive heat for prolonged periods of time.  

             10.5. Incompatible materials  

                                               Materials to avoid:               Strong acids, acid anhydrides, and aluminium.  

             10.6. Hazardous decomposition products  

                                      Haz. decomp. products:                     Oxides of carbon    

Section 11: Toxicological information  


             11.1. Information on toxicological effects  

  Toxicity values:  

           Route                    Species                       Test                            Value                           Units  

             IHL                       RAT                       LC50                             2300                           mg/m3  

            ORL                        RAT                       LD50                             2800                           mg/kg  

        DERMAL                         RBT                       LD50                            >2000                           mg/kg  



   Relevant hazards for substance:                                                                                               

                        Hazard                                        Route                                                Basis  

     Serious eye damage/irritation                                     OPT                                               Xi: R36    


             Symptoms / routes of exposure  

                                                            Skin contact:               Slightly irritating.  

                                                              Eye contact:              Irritating to eyes.  

                                                                  Ingestion:            May cause discomfort if swallowed.  

                                                                 Inhalation:          May cause irritation to respiratory system.  


                                  Delayed / immediate effects:   Immediate effects can be expected after short-term     exposure.  


Section 12: Ecological information  


              12.1. Toxicity  

              Ecotoxicity values:                                                                                                                     

                       Species                                          Test                             Value                                  Units  

                      DAPHNIA                                48H EC50                                  200-227                                   mg/l  




              12.2. Persistence and degradability  

                              Persistence and degradability:                             

              12.3. Bioaccumulative potential  

                                    Bioaccumulative potential:                           

              12.4. Mobility in soil  

                                                                     Mobility:          The product is soluble in water.  

              12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment  

                                                   PBT identification:                  This substance is not identified as a PBT substance .  

              12.6. Other adverse effects  

                                                                                        Spillage in sewers or waterways must be avoided. Large  

                                            Other adverse effects:  

                                                                                        doses cause high pH which may affect effluent and sewage.  


Section 13: Disposal considerations  


              13.1. Waste treatment methods  

                                               Disposal operations:                    Waste to be treated as controlled waste.  Disposal to  

                                                                                        licensed waste disposal site in accordance with local Waste  

                                                                                        Disposal Authority.  In small quantities, dispose of by flushing  

                                                                                        away with copious amounts of water or slowly neutralising  

                                                                                       with acid to neutral pH.  Neutralisation generates heat.  

                                           Disposal of packaging:  


                                                                             NB:        The user’s attention is drawn to the possible existence of  

                                                                                        regional or national regulations regarding disposal.  

Section 14: Transport information  

                                                       Transport class:                 This product is not classified for transport.  

Section 15: Regulatory information  


            15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture  

                                      Statutory instruments:               Not applicable.  

                              Approved Code of Practice:                   Safety Data Sheets for Substances and Preparations.   

                                                                           Classification and Labelling of Substances and Preparations  

                                                                           Dangerous for Supply.  


Section 16: Other information  


                                            Other information:  




                                              Legal disclaimer:            The above information is believed to be correct but does not  

                                                                           purport to be all-inclusive and shall be used only as a guide.   

                                                                           Kamco Limited shall not be held liable for any damage  

                                                                           resulting from handling or from contact with the above  



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